Friday, November 26, 2010

SEWF seeks....(Single Extra White Female Seeks)

Once upon a time a naive 21 year old from Vancouver Island graduated from UBC with a BSN and entered a new life full of misguided hope and vigor. She would lose her freshman 25 (she was an overachiever ok?!), touch the life of many a patient, have a core group of companions much like the beloved North American sitcom "Friends," travel the world, fall in love and start the perfect family.

HA! Here I am at 25, thinner and better traveled but more disillusioned then ever before. I hate the majority of the aspects of my job, jump at the chance to have any comatose patient so I don't have to listen to their bloody boring life stories and various complaints, went to Africa and did not have the expected life changing experience, and have yet to have a quality relationship with a male. I have many amazing female friends, but they have moved on to adult courtship rituals that remain a mystery to me and I am left to my own devices. Hence the blog. I am bored and there is only so much tetris one can play if one wants to stop having dreams that one is being bludgened to death by an L shaped block.

Yes, lets move on to today's point because I may actually have one. One of my nearest, dearest and least sane friends is pushing me to make an online dating profile. I'm having so many problems with this though. According to her, one of my biggest problems with men is that I'm far too honest. Whatever happened to "be yourself?" Apparently that trend is out and I'm supposed to be unavailable and mysterious and yet still intriging....but I really think that the future Mr. (blogger's name) will respect and love me for who I really am so I'm going on honesty. Here are some examples of what I'm coming up with here:

Single, extra white and 75% emotionally available hundredaire seeks tan millionaire. Must love cats and insane mother in laws with cleaning fetishes.

Do you enjoy laughing at your own jokes? Have you recently fallen asleep while watching jeopardy and eating a tub of ice cream only to discover that its suddenly tuesday and your cat is licking Ben and Jerry's off of your face? Wow, we must belong together!

No, really. I know. I can and will do better, but I should probably be in a less sarcastic mood.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Carey, I am still seeking also. My life certainly hasn't followed my plan(s). At least you've travelled I havent even done that, let alone the degree, you're farther a head than I am.
