Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I'm pretty sure my mom has given up hope.

One sided heart to heart talk with Mother Dearest on the phone today while still in bed at 6:45 pm (work is at 7:30 pm). My eyes were still closed and the snooze button was pushed intermittently.

Mom: I just know when you meet that special someone, they will understand and accept the real you. You don't need to worry. It will happen.

Me: Mmmmhmmmmm.

Mom: Your father and I will accept them into our hearts, no matter who it is.

Me: Yup.

Mom: We will always accept and love you no matter what. Now get out of bed sweetheart. Or you will get fired.

Me: Ugh. Yeah. Loveyoubye.

*Click* *Rush to feed cat/brush teeth/put on hideous hideous work uniform*

Me: Wait a minute. Gender neutral terms, often in plural and incorrect form. Themes of acceptance of abnormality.....

Indeed. My mother thinks I'm a lesbian.


  1. Oh carey. Haha. It's ok, my gramma asked me if I was a lebian before I died because I haven't had a boyfriend in the last few months. And then she died before I could tell her I'm not. At least your mom is still around for you to bring a boy home for. Will you be coming to the island for christmas at all? if you are I demand lunch!

  2. Lunch is my second fav meal. I work Christmas so I'm not sure when in December I'm coming home, but will let you know :)
