Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I think I'm actually a very simple, very sane person. Some of the very few of you who I gave this link to and actually read this may be laughing (CHERYL), but really, I am. I think maybe this is why I don't relate well to and am not usually accepted by others, because its very fashionable these days to be loud, proud, "unique" and completely and utterly plastic.

I'm quiet and introspective. I don't like loud noises like those that stem from car alarms or drunk hipsters and I enjoy subtle wit and beautiful things. Filthy humour is not my forte, it seems too easy and I enjoy a joke that doesn't climax after a phrase, but builds with time and patience. Tans repulse me and my skin colour is unfashionable in the here and now, and I am neither thin or curvy enough to fulfill the Canadian definition of beauty. I am awkward, I am stiff, I am everything that everyone feels, but is more skilled at hiding and I'm very very tired of defending myself for being true to who and what I am.

In conclusion I would like a simple life away from other people. A penthouse on the moon with a constant supply of oxygen, supply of hearty comfort food, servants and zombie Groucho Marx as a roommate will do in a pinch if my further flights of immagination are restricted. I suppose I'll allow the occasional visitor, but no broccoli, hipsters, or fatties allowed.

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